Checklist for Solar Physics FITS Headers Revision : 0.8.0, 2011 December 08 (early release; this needs a whole lot of work) Have questions or suggestions? Send them to : Joe Hourcle, Latest version available at: -- Glossary: (as used in this document) : Observation : a reading from a sensor about its environment; a given observation could exist in multiple processed forms, in multiple FITS files. Series : a collection files that come from the same instruments, that are processed in similar ways. --- Have I ... ... identified the file format? ___ given an obvious message that it's a FITS file? ___ given a reference to the FITS standard? (citation, bibcode, DOI) ___ given a reference to any FITS extensions used? ... identified the responsible party? ... identified the responsible organization? ___ given the common abbreviation for the institution? (note -- ORIGIN is overloaded; need to check status of INSTITUT) ___ given the full name for the institution? ___ given other identifying information, particularly if there are other similarly named groups. ___ provided a postal address? ___ identified the PI or other responsible person? ... provided for support of the file? ... told where to get the documentation on the file? ___ citation to articles describing the instrument? ___ citation or link to documentation on the data file? ___ using a DOI or other persistent ID? (note : documentation checklist will be coming soon) ___ included important usage caveats in the file? ___ given a warning if it was quicklook data? ___ provided basic usage information in the file? ___ given acknowledgement text or citation to use? (note : citation standards are also being worked on) ... told people how to get help or report problems? ___ provided an e-mail address? ___ provided a URL for the organization's website ... identified the file? ___ identified the instrument that took the observation? (INSTRUM, SOURCE, DETECTOR ... TELESCOP/CAMERA may be overloaded) ___ given instrument/source/etc names that are unique? ___ given a citation to articles describing the instrument? ... identified the (need a name ... data series? ... basically, stuff all of a similar processing from the same source) ___ given an identifier to the (series) ? (eg, aia.lev1 vs. aia.lev1_nrt) ___ given information about the "type" of data? (intensity, magnetogram, IQUV, etc.) ... identified the file within the (series) ? ___ given a unique ID that can referenced if a researcher has questions? ___ listed the originally assigned filename? (FILENAME) ... identified the observation? ___ given the time of the observation? ___ using DATE_OBS or DATE-OBS ? ___ using T_OBS ? ___ given DATE_END or exposure? ___ mentioned anything about the observing mode, if it varies by observation? ___ mentioned the filter position? ___ mentioned the polarizer position? ___ mentioned everything else that may vary? ... described the data in the file? ___ provided information about what type of processing was done in human-readable form? (eg, flat fielded, limb darkening, corrections for point spread) ... described the platform the instrument was on? ___ specified the location of the observatory? ... if a ground-based observatory: ___ given the coordinates in Lat/Long on Earth? ... if a spacecraft: ___ given the coordinates using the World Coordinate System? (lat/long/altitude if earth-orbiting?) ... if an imager, magnetograph, ... : ___ specified the pointing of the instrument? ___ in terms of CRPIX, XCEN, YCEN, CROTA, FOV? ___ in Carrington Lat/Long ? ___ using the World Coordinate System? ... if ground based : ___ in RA & DEC? ... if a coronograph : ___ specified the size of the occulter? Support ... provided units for all fields? ... provided full names for abbreviations? ... provided labels for all fields? ... added checksums to ensure the file hasn't been corrupted? Provenance ... provided a unique ID to the source observation (so that we can identify multiple processed forms of the same observation) ... provided information about any calibration used? ... version number or date of calibration ... provided information about processing applied? ... text description of type of processing (flat field, point spread applied, limb darkening, etc.) ... provided names of the software used ... and their version number or last modified date ... mentioned any input variables used in the processing? ... mentoned any other input files? ... and their date / version number ... provided the platform used (eg, IDL, IRAF, DRMS) ... and the version? ... given information about the machine that did the processing? ... type of processor ... operating system ... and version ... machine name (from the ESIP 'data management 101' talk by Bob Cook: What does the data set describe? Why was the data set created? Who produced the data set? Who prepared the metadata? How was each parameter measured?